Regimes Museum Journal Volume 8, Issue 1

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Published by:
Regimes Museum
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
30 pages Perfect-bound
academic, archive, Cold War, consumer culture, diplomacy, dprk, East Germany, education, espionage, history, ideologies, korea, museum, north korea, nuclear arms treaties, peace studies, spy, stasi, USA, WWII

In this issue, learn about international diplomacy and nuclear arms control on the Korean Peninsula. Julien Garcia-Kasimirowski explores in detail the approaches US presidential administrations have taken on dealing with North Korea. Also in this issue is a concise history of three ideologies that defined the 20th century. We also feature another great contribution from our resident historian Ralph Pickard, whose article is featured on the cover of this issue. It focuses on the life, awards, and career of MfS Officer Wolfgang Hartmann, who was in charge of Abteilung XV in the district of Neubrandenburg. Find out more about his counter-espionage activities starting on page 22! Lastly, we have a special feature of consumer products during WWII Germany in our Enter the Archive page. See what types of products were available to the Wehrmacht and to civilians back home.

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Regimes Museum Journal Volume 8, Issue 1

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